Clancy Invites the Fans to CarnyCon
Hey y'all!
Happy New Year!
Now that the holidays are over and the decorations are coming down, it is the perfect time to check under the cushions for the spare change that can get you to CARNYCON!
We've an installment plan now so if the single bite was too big, now you can nibble. We're lining up the schedule and so far so good. There is plenty of room and the more folks we get the more we plan on doing over the weekend!
So why wait? Dan can answer all of your questions. You may not get another opportunity to see him sweat. I can tell you all about PATHFINDER and LOST (yep, just committed to doing an episode of that show) and THE GUARDIAN (Kevin Costner/Ashton Kutcher vehicle I'm doing in February. Not to mention future SpongeBob episodes). Toby can tell you what its like to play Vegas..yeah THAT Vegas! And I'm sure you know better than I what our cast has been up to since the crime against our fans was committed.
But really this is a chance to celebrate CARNIVALE with the people who made it for you. Let's get together and show TPTB that a show of quality and imagination lives on despite the backroom deals and spinmeistering of modern media. Let's all meet and have a few laughs and prove that an audience is much more than what Neilson says it is. Let's Elect Val Templeton to Congress!
Hey why not? That could be the perfect theme for CARNYCON 2! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Follow the links below and join us the weekend of April 21-23, 2006.
Yours in Christ - Clancy
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And be sure to check out the CarnyCon CafePress Store for a wide selection of CarnyCon souvenir items!