Clancy's new series " Carnivale" begins airing September 14th on HBO
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Join the new "Carnivale" discussion group on Yahoogroups by clicking HERE!
Join a group of friendly people and get in on the discussions about "Carnivale's" storyline, characters, actors, and more! Even a few of the good folks connected with the show have checked in and left their comments.
Hope to see you there!
HBO now has an official site up and running for Clancy's new series "Carnivale," with plenty of photos and information about the series and its large cast. Click HERE for more info.
A new MESSAGE BOARD has been added to the Official Clancy Brown Fan Club Website! Please click here to leave fan mail for Clancy Brown, discuss the articles & interviews contained on this CBFC Weblog, Clancy's new HBO series "Carnivale," his many television and movie appearances, and much more!