Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Announcing CarnyCon LIVE!!!
CarnyCon LIVE is an in-person, fan-run convention for "Carnivale" fans, and we are NOW taking paid registrations!
CarnyCon LIVE will be held in Los Angeles on the weekend of Friday, April 21st 2006 thru Sunday, April 23, 2006.
What will CarnyCon LIVE entail?
CarnyCon LIVE will begin Friday evening with a casual meet & greet party for the fans. Carnivale treats, such as popcorn, soda, corn dogs, etc. will be served (included in membership price) and the fans will have the opportunity to mingle and get to know one another in a friendly and fun-filled atmosphere. Friday Night entertainment will include fan-made music videos, Tarot Card Readings by Stacey Haines of Witch-on-Wheels, and feats of mentalism and sleight of hand magic by Master Magician Rich Ferguson. Saturday will be filled with Question and Answer periods with folks from the Carnivale cast and crew, as well as an autograph session. There will be a Saturday Lunch Buffet served, and a Dinner Buffet/Party on Saturday night -- and BOTH meals are also INCLUDED in the price of your registration! Sunday will include a Writer's Panel, as well as various Carnivale guest speakers and panels through mid-afternoon.
Our Celebrity Guest line-up includes Carnivale Creator Daniel Knauf, Clancy Brown (Brother Justin), Clea DuVall (Sofie), Cynthia Ettinger (Rita Sue), Debra Christofferson (Lila), Brian Turk (Gabriel), Carla Gallo (Libby), Amanada Aday (Dora Mae), Patrick Bauchau (Lodz), Diane Salinger (Apollonia), Michael J. Anderson (Samson), Ralph Waite (Rev. Norman Balthus), John Savage (Henry "Hack" Schudder), and Scott MacDonald (Burley).
Our Writer's Panel includes Special Guest Carnivale Writer/Producers Daniel Knauf, Tracy Torme, William Schmidt, Dawn Prestwich, and Nicole Yorkin.
(All Special Guest appearances are contingent upon professional availability.)
We are sorry, but due to professional commitments, Adrienne Barbeau, Tim DeKay, Rob Knepper, and John Carroll Lynch will not be able to attend CarnyCon.
CarnyCon will be held at the Hilton Woodland Hills, in Woodland Hills, CA (a suburb of Los Angeles) Our Hotel Room Block Rate will be $89.00 per night, plus taxes -- a GREAT price in LA!
Registration fees for Attending Members are $150 (if registration is sent in BEFORE Sept. 1, 2005), $165 (if registration is sent between Sept.2, 2005 thru Dec. 1, 2005), $175 (if registration is sent between Dec. 2, 2005 thru April 1, 2006.) International fans, please pay in US Funds only please.
We WILL accept registrations via PayPal (with an additional, non refundable PayPal service fee.) PayPal prices (US Funds only, please), are: $155 (if registration is sent in BEFORE Sept. 1, 2005), $171 (if registration is sent between Sept.2, 2005 thru Dec. 1, 2005), $181 (if registration is sent between Dec. 2, 2005 thru April 1, 2006.)
Attending Memberships for Children between the age of 3 and 12 years of age are US$50.00 (US$52.00 via PayPal.) Children 2 years of age and younger will be allowed in for free. Minors between the ages of 13 and 17 must pay the full membership price. All children 13 years of age or under must be accompanied by a registered adult member at all times. Minors between the ages of 14 and 17 must register along with an adult member who will be responsible for their actions.
There will be NO memberships taken at the door.
Supporting Memberships (for people who WILL NOT be able to attend the convention but who would still like to contribute money to help support CarnyCon LIVE), are $50.00. All Supporting Members will receive a royal blue Carnivale baseball cap (the same as the ones given out to the cast and crew), and a Thank You Letter signed by Dan Knauf and Clancy Brown. Supporting Membership caps and letters will start being shipped by September 1st. We will also accept payments for Supporting Memberships via PayPal (with an additional, non-refundable service fee.) The PayPal price for a Supporting Membership is $52.00.
Registration forms and PayPal information are available at the CarnyCon LIVE Website.
Please follow the link to our Ticketing Information Page.
Please Download and fill out the CarnyCon Registration Form and send it along with your payment to: CARNYCON, c/o Beth Blighton. PO Box 8655, Benton Harbor, MI 49023. We accept checks and money orders made out to CARNYCON (US Funds Only please.)
If paying by PayPal, follow the links on the ticketing page directly to PayPal. Please send a printout of your PayPal payment confirmation along with your registration form to CarnyCon, c/o Beth Blighton, PO Box 8655, Benton Harbor, MI 49023, for our records.
Please be sure to fill out ALL information on your Registration Form and
sign the waiver.
Memberships to CarnyCon LIVE will be LIMITED to 250 Attending Members.
We hope you will join us at the CarnyCon LIVE in Los Angeles next spring! It'll be great to put faces to names, party with our fan friends from all over the world, and spend time with the very generous cast & crew of "Carnivale" who we've all grown so close to in this wonderful fandom. If you enjoyed the ONLINE CarnyCon, we think you will enjoy the live and in person version even more.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes,
-- The CarnyCon LIVE Convention Committee
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Clancy Invites the Fans to CarnyCon
Hey y'all!
Happy New Year!
Now that the holidays are over and the decorations are coming down, it is the perfect time to check under the cushions for the spare change that can get you to CARNYCON!
We've an installment plan now so if the single bite was too big, now you can nibble. We're lining up the schedule and so far so good. There is plenty of room and the more folks we get the more we plan on doing over the weekend!
So why wait? Dan can answer all of your questions. You may not get another opportunity to see him sweat. I can tell you all about PATHFINDER and LOST (yep, just committed to doing an episode of that show) and THE GUARDIAN (Kevin Costner/Ashton Kutcher vehicle I'm doing in February. Not to mention future SpongeBob episodes). Toby can tell you what its like to play Vegas..yeah THAT Vegas! And I'm sure you know better than I what our cast has been up to since the crime against our fans was committed.
But really this is a chance to celebrate CARNIVALE with the people who made it for you. Let's get together and show TPTB that a show of quality and imagination lives on despite the backroom deals and spinmeistering of modern media. Let's all meet and have a few laughs and prove that an audience is much more than what Neilson says it is. Let's Elect Val Templeton to Congress!
Hey why not? That could be the perfect theme for CARNYCON 2! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Follow the links below and join us the weekend of April 21-23, 2006.
Yours in Christ - Clancy
* * * * * * * * * *

And be sure to check out the CarnyCon CafePress Store for a wide selection of CarnyCon souvenir items!
Saturday, June 25, 2005
"A Good Soldier" Opens July 1st
Clancy's new play, "A Good Soldier" opens July 1st at the Odyssey Theatre in Los Angeles. The play is a modern retelling of "Antigone", set in Iraq.
For more information, please visit:
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Our SAVE CARNIVALE Telegram Drive!
We are encouraging all the fans of "Carnivale" to take a moment this weekend or throughout the week to send a Telegram to HBO Entertainment CEO, Chris Albrecht, to let him know that we want "Carnivale" back for a third season! All Telegrams sent through Western Union this weekend (through 6:00 pm Eastern time on Monday) will be delivered to Mr. Albrecht by Tuesday, April 19th. The final decision about renewal rests in Mr. Albrecht's hands, and we feel that Telegrams could be a VERY effective way for the fans' voices to be heard.
You see, Telegrams cost MONEY, and MONEY is the language Networks talk. If the fans are prepared to spend $14.99 to send HBO Chairman Chris Albrecht a Western Union TELEGRAM telling him to "Save Carnivale!" (or the like), it WILL get to his desk. It will get to SOMEBODY'S desk, for certain. And it will say "Here is a fan who is willing to spend what MIGHT have gone to a month's subscription of HBO, who has spent it instead on letting the Big Boss know what program we want back above all others."
You have 1000 characters (about 200 words) to let him know JUST how you feel about the issue. And those telegrams say MONEY SPENT. It'll be something that gets delivered by a messenger -- in DROVES -- to the one man in whose hand the fate of our show rests... Chris Albrecht.
Chris Albrecht - Chairman and CEO
HBO Entertainment
2500 Broadway, Ste. 400
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Here is the URL for Western Union:
Dan Knauf has thrown his support behind this campaign, as well. Here is his message to the CarnivaleHBO Yahoo group...
From Daniel Knauf:
This is a great idea! I officially endorse it. But first let me go buy some stock in Western Union! Heh...
Guys, you're so right. The lack of a decision from HBO has a devastating effect on fans, cast and crew alike. I don't think a day goes by in which I don't field a question from friends, crew-members or cast regarding the status of the show.
Why are they waiting? You got me. HBO has all the ratings info. They know how much the show cost. They have the DVD sales figures. There's really only two possibilities:
1.) The fix is in, the decision to cancel already made--in which case they are simply hoping to delay an official announcement to mitigate any ill will from fans and subscribers and potential repercussions; or
2.) They're on a fence, and just need something to tip them into picking us up.
If the former is true, a delaying tactic makes some sense. The farther down the road from the finale, the duller the sting.
At least, that's the theory.
However, I believe the latter is more likely. So tip away. And keep tipping. Shove if you have to. At the end of the day, if the show is cancelled, at least we'll know did everything we could.
PS - And the ad in the trades? Don't bother with that one. It'll be in everyone's wastebasket by the end of the day. I'd rather you spent the money (as someone suggested) on your preferred charity.
So there you have it, folks. PLEASE help us help "Carnivale" by joining in this Telegram Drive, and be sure to pass the word along to friends, fans, co-workers, and family.
Let's make some noise and get "Carnivale" renewed for a third season!